Saturday, March 31, 2007

Continuing the Conversation

sacred space has now been gathering regularly on Saturday morning since mid-February. We have enjoyed the venue at Cafe Barista and the conversation has involved a few regulars as well as others from week to week. At times we are asked if we are a church group, to which we reply that we are not, but that we are a conversation exploring together life in the way of Jesus.

What this has meant over the weeks is that we have engaged what it means to be human in such a way that it makes God's presence visible in the world. We have talked that for us to be human in this way necessarily leads us to identify not only with the humanity of Jesus of Nazareth, but indeed with Jesus -- for he is God who has become one of us, God who has become a human being making visible the presence of God in the world. So in being human beings identified with Jesus of Nazareth, we make God visible in the world by the way we treat customers and employees if we are business people, the way we treat our spouses and children if we are married, the way we treat our neighbors, the way we treat strangers.

Making God visible in the world as human beings who identify with Jesus, calls us to view others in ways that God views them -- not to reject people, but for us to be open to accept whomever God brings into our lives. This is not always easy, but then it is not about what makes us comfortable, it is about making space and making God visible in our community.

So as a group gathering on Saturday mornings, and those who join us in conversation, we are discovering what it means in real ways what it means to do life in the way of Jesus. We are discovering that we are becoming more than a conversation group, but a community of persons who want to help each other be the kind of people who make God visible in the world.

If you have thought about being a part of the conversation of sacred space I invite you to join us on Saturday mornings at Cafe Barista in Lake Villa, IL from 9 - 11 am and engage in a conversational journey that is stretching us.


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